Your Bible prophesies Donald Trump will return. The imminent fulfillment of these prophecies is more apparent than ever before. The assassination attempt on Trump confirms it. The same forces that attacked Trump have attacked America for over a decade.
Get the full biblical explanation on Trump and what is behind this attack on America in Gerald Flurry’s book America Under Attack.
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Your Bible prophesies Donald Trump will return. The imminent fulfillment of these prophecies is more apparent than ever before. The assassination attempt on Trump confirms it. The same forces that attacked Trump have attacked America for over a decade.
Get the full biblical explanation on Trump and what is behind this attack on America in Gerald Flurry’s book America Under Attack.
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All literature is free of any cost or obligation.
Ready for war
On Nov. 15, 2022, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. In his speech he said, “Together, we will be taking on the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable. … Our country is being destroyed before your very eyes. … The Washington establishment wants to silence us, but we will not let them do that. … We will be attacked. We will be slandered. We will be persecuted …. But we will not be intimidated. We will persevere. We will stand tall in the storm. We will march forward into the torrent and we, in the end, will win. Our country will win.”
After all the terrible attacks on Donald Trump for the past eight years, it is remarkable that he has the stamina and determination and fight to keep doing battle for this country. He is a man READY FOR WAR.
You need to watch President Trump. He is going to WAR HIS WAY BACK.
How did we get here? America Under Attack explains the battle to recover the nation.
How did we get here? America Under Attack explains the battle to recover the nation.
Saving America—Temporarily
The destructive trends of the Obama years were far more dangerous than most people realized at the time. People were naive and ignorant about the extent of the threat. Even most Republican leaders failed to realize what they were dealing with: people committed to destroying the government of this land. We were witnessing a government—and a nation—on the verge of collapse!
Then something abruptly changed. In a result that shocked the radical leftists and surprised most of the nation, Donald J. Trump won the 2016 United States presidential election.
Mr. Trump’s bid for the presidency was derided and mocked. The media called it a joke and clown show. Polls showed him considerably behind his opponent, Hillary Clinton, even just before the election. Yet somehow, what many dismissed as impossible happened. I will show you that his victory was miraculous intervention from God.
Once Donald Trump became president, something else extraordinary happened. His presidency temporarily stopped the forces destroying the country.
Mrs. Clinton’s stated goal was to continue the legacy of Barack Obama. If she had become president, the ruinous trends of the Obama presidency would have continued and intensified. Many people—including me—believe it would have meant an end to our constitutional republic!
I want to show you that Mr. Trump’s presidency was actually prophesied in your Bible. It was only his election that prevented even worse troubles from bringing this nation down even more quickly—and God was behind it!
I will show you something else you may find stunning: God prophesies that Mr. Trump will return to power. Prophecy tells us what God thinks of the Biden presidency. But it also shows that what Trump accomplishes upon his return will prove to be only a temporary deliverance for the nation.
Former Prophets
Few people regard Bible prophecy as reliable. But you simply cannot understand events in America today without it.
The Old Testament is divided into three main sections: the law, the prophets and the writings. The prophets section includes the major and minor prophets, as well as the former prophets, which include the biblical books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings. These books record a broad sweep of history of the nation of Israel—from the time the Israelites entered the Promised Land, through the division of the nation into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, until both kingdoms were conquered and enslaved.
Americans today, and all people, can learn the real causes of world events by studying biblical prophecy, including the former prophets. There is a special message in all these books. The former prophets are mostly about history, but they are called former prophets for good reason. These books were written by prophets, and they are filled with end-time prophecy.
Many people believe the former prophets contain only history. That is not true, but even if it were, it would make these biblical books extremely valuable. Many authorities call history our most effective teacher. There is a lot of truth to that statement. And Bible history is the greatest of all because it is God’s history.
There is a crucial reason why, of all the mountains of human history God could have miraculously recorded and preserved, He chose this history. The principles illustrated here apply to all human beings. But also, because Americans are direct descendants of the Israelites (as proved in The United States and Britain in Prophecy), this history is specific prophecy for them.
Most of the history recorded in these books is prophetic. Perhaps the main example is how the state of religion in ancient Israel determined the state of the nation. This history indirectly prophesies what will happen to the modern descendants of Israel and Judah if we have similar religious problems. It shows that if we live the same lifestyles our forefathers did, we will experience the same results, good or bad. In this way, history prophesies the fate of nations—whether they will thrive or collapse!
But the former prophets are even more. These books contain many direct prophecies from God. They contain pivotal prophecies mainly for the latter days, our generation today. These books contain repeated references to the prophesied return of Jesus Christ, for example. They also contain other direct prophecies that, like much of the Bible, follow the principle of duality: There is an ancient fulfillment and a latter-day fulfillment, a type and an antitype.
This invaluable material in the former prophets is available for us to study and learn from. We ought to be intensely interested in these biblical books.
There is an event in the history of ancient Israel that closely parallels what has happened in America.
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A number of people think Barack Obama hurt the nation, but they fail to understand how truly important this man is. His stated goal was “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” His agenda, his scandals, and the stolen 2020 election shows that the radicals have a leader in Obama—and Obama has a leader.
Obama exerting his will above the law that he swore to uphold should have deeply troubled the nation but respect for the Constitution and the law was already at crisis levels, and now it is even worse. The affliction of this nation isn’t just the result of one man’s malicious dominance: It is also the result of the attitudes of the people.
Something abruptly changed in 2016. Americans unexpectedly elected Donald Trump to the presidency. Radicals who had held power for eight years unleashed attack after attack, yet somehow this one courageous individual halted the forces dismantling the nation. But this was not done by his personality or power. It was a miraculous intervention from God. But it is only temporary.
The American system was designed to restrain the most powerful elements of the government from overriding the will of the people and their elected representatives. But the Trump administration found members of its own government aligned to sabotage the president. Many have decried the main attack, a collusion investigation, as a hoax, but almost no one has spoken out to identify the man who was powering it from out of view.
The Twitter Files are a series of revelations released beginning in December 2022 by new Twitter owner Elon Musk and a number of journalists he has worked with. But the files only go back to 2018. So what happened between 2009 and 2017 during Obama’s term of office? This is an obvious question with a clear answer, yet few will even ask it!
Powerful elites, ultimately led by the will of one man, have become so radical, so strong and so bold that they stole a presidential election and installed a fake president who is clearly not controlling the presidency. The man in control of the agenda of oppression and self-destruction now is the same man who has been in control since 2008.
The false president immediately attacked the decisions and policies Donald Trump had implemented to strengthen the nation and prevent national suicide. Through a president-in-name-only, Barack Obama unleashed his full agenda, destroying what good principles and strengths America had left. Months into his return to power, he implemented a foreign-policy catastrophe designed for maximum destruction of U.S. power.
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This is America’s last warning.
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